About Us

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Our Mission

To empower
Cloud Heroes

About Us

Buttonwood was formed in 2015 when cloud was compelling but lacked the maturity to truly disrupt enterprise IT. Benefits relating to increased agility were offset by complex consumption methods, poor operational control and the lack of financial transparency.

At Buttonwood, we thrive on the disruptive nature of cloud, but we rail against proprietary access methods that result in vendor-lock.

The team at Buttonwood have worked to develop the necessary products to help build and secure the hybrid enterprise with cloud choice, financial governance and operational control.

Buttonwood aims to eliminate the cost and complexity associated with hybrid cloud architectures by focusing on open standards, beautiful design and radical simplicity!

Our Values


Radical Simplicity

We have an unrelenting focus on simplifying cloud consumption through seamless integration and beautiful design.



We provide the enterprise with full visibility and control of cloud services at financial and operational levels.



We are vendor agnostic. We believe that success will only be achieved through unwavering independence.


Customer Centric

We built the Buttonwood platform to solve problems as they presented through the lens of the enterprise.

Creating young Cloud Heroes
with Tech2Kids

Less Australians are completing ICT degrees, yet thousands of new jobs are created in the industry each year. Talk about a talent gap. And it’s not just about work opportunities. Now, more than ever, tech skills are day-to-day life skills.

Cloud Heroes take ownership of cloud and its challenges with confidence and integrity. Today you have helped to equip young Australians to join you in the cloud and contribute to the industry.

Tech 2 Kids is starting at the grass roots, creating a level playing field by giving all kids access to learn about technology. Putting technology tools in children’s hands now to help fill that gap in the future.Tech 2 Kids Logo


Tech2Kids Program - Girl with Tablet - Hybrid Cloud Platform - Buttonwood

Our Story

Buttonwood’s co-founders represent the yin and the yang of the talent and ingenuity that was required to make Buttonwood  a reality. Allan King brings the infrastructure expertise while his collaborator Damien Jolly has the software engineering background. Both are IT veterans with more than 23 years’ experience.

In 1998, Allan launched the successful systems integration company, Infront, which saw early success in the emerging markets of enterprise storage, data protection and virtualisation. Today, Infront is a recognised leader in hybrid IT with many local and regional awards.

When cloud first began to disrupt IT, Allan believed that organisations would need help navigating the complexities of cloud. Damien, a Solutions Architect was intrigued by the challenge of building a ‘brokerage company’ in an emerging market.

So, Buttonwood was born!

The name Buttonwood was chosen to honour the success of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In 1792, 24 Brokers signed an agreement to form the worlds first exchange. This agreement was signed under a Buttonwood tree.

Allan King - Blog Author Bio Image - Cloud Management Platform - Buttonwood
Allan and Damien are always learning from new trends, which helps them with their unrelenting focus on to simplify the innovation of cloud and develop software that will better serve the enterprise.

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