Cost Management – Overview

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Analyse your cloud spend
for financial insight

Understand and report on your organisation’s cloud consumption to finally become your organisation’s Cloud Hero. Buttonwood Central helps you manage and report on your cloud consumption in near real-time.  Armed with powerful data analytics and cost projections, you can now transition finally to a pay-as-you-go model with greater confidence.


Enter your Azure, AWS or VCenter cloud account details into Cloud Analytics to immediately integrate your data.


Customise the way you view your data to chart spend, resources, and workloads to simplify your cloud reports.


Investigate your cloud spend quickly and succinctly, gaining visibility, insight and control of your cloud bills.


An invoice from a cloud provider can be pages long, and it can take hours to manually convert the numbers into meaningful data, without knowledge about who owns which accounts.

Buttonwood Cloud Analytics gives you the power to personalise your accounts and resources so that you can understand where your costs are going. Gain deep insights into cloud usage and associated costs, which provides greater agility in meeting business demands.


One of the main drivers in transitioning to cloud is agility. The value for an enterprise in agility includes quick time to market, choice in cost options and the ability to access new and improved technology as it becomes available.

Buttonwood Cloud Analtyics is vendor agnostic, allowing you to input your AWS or Azure accounts to see your reports side by side. Using this data, you can have complete choice over your cloud provider, location and resources.


With many people working in your teams, you may find that instances have been spun up into cloud and left to continue running. While this shouldn't incur too much of an expense, forgotten and lost cloud sub-accounts can quickly build up, resulting in a loss of control over you organistion's spend.

Buttonwood Cloud Analytics enables you to examine all of your cloud spend. By running personalised reports, you can track your expected costs and immediately view costs that were unexpected, allowing you to close them down if necessary. You will now have complete control of your organisation's cloud spend.

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